learn B2

جملات آرزویی 2 (Wish sentences 2)#

برای بیان آرزو استفاده می شود و در 3 زمان گذشته، حال و آینده استفاده می شود.

جملات آرزویی در زمان حال#

برای بیان نارضایتی از وضعیت موجود و تمایل به تغییر شرایط در زمان حال استفاده می شود.

ساختار جملات آرزویی در زمان حال:

شکل گذشته قعل + فاعل + I wish

I wish I had a car. => ای کاش یک ماشین داشتم
I wish we lived in a beautiful city. => ای کاش در یک شهر زیبا زندگی می کردیم
I wish he were rich now.
I can't come. I wish I could come.
I wish I had enough money to go there.
I wish I could speak French as well as you do.

🎉 می توانیم برای همه ضمائر فاعلی از were استفاده کنیم.

جملات آرزویی در زمان آینده#

برای بیان نارضایتی از وضعیت آینده و تمایل برای تغییر شرایط در زمان آینده کاربرد دارد.

ساختار جملات آرزویی در زمان آینده:

شکل ساده قعل + would + فاعل + I wish

I wish I would see my friend tomorrow. => ای کاش فردا دوستم را ببینم
I wish it would stop raining. => ای کاش باران قطع شود
I wish he wouldn't come here next week.
He's not arrived yet. I wish he would hurry up.
I wish you would listen to me.
I wish you would stop making so much noise.

جملات آرزویی در زمان گذشته#

برای بیان پشیمانی و تاسف از عمل یا وضعیتی در گذشته

ساختار جملات آرزویی در زمان گذشته:

شکل سوم قعل + had + فاعل + I wish

I wish I hadn't gone to bed late last night. => ای کاش دیشب دیر به رختخواب نرفته بودم
I wish he had studied harder. => ای کاش او سخت تر مطالعه کرده بود
I wish they hadn't stolen that money.
You're the best teacher I've ever had. I wish you had been my teacher last year as well.
I don't like these shoes very much. I wish I hadn't bought them.
I wish I had paid more attention.
I wish you had told me you were coming.
Tom wished he had put more money into that investment. => تام آرزو کرد که ای کاش پول بیشتری در سرمایه گذاری گذاشته بود

Must & Have to#

برای بیان الزام و اجبار در انجام کاری در جملات مثبت استفاده می شود.

You must leave here. ( you can't stay )
You have to leave here. ( you can't stay )
تو باید اینجا را ترک کنی. ( نمی توانی بمانی )
I have to decide which job I want before the end of the week.
Tom must be well off, he drives a very nice car.
Tom helps Mary because he wants to, not because he has to.

🎉 معنای have to و must درجملات منفی متفاوت است.

You must not leave. ( you can't go )
تو نباید اینجا را ترک کنی. ( نمی توانی بروی )
We mustn't miss the train. it's the last one tonight.
You don't have to leave. ( you can go or stay )
تو مجبور نیستی اینجا را ترک کنی. ( می توانی بروی یا بمانی )
She doesn't have to come if she doesn't want to.
We didn't have to take the bus into town.
You don't have to do anything you don' want to.

روش منفی کردن:

  1. فعل must => با اضافه کردن not
  2. فعل have to => با استفاده از don't / doesn't

🎉 ما می توانیم بجای have to از have got to نیز استفاده کنیم:

I must stop smoking.
I have got to stop smoking.
You mustn't park your car here. => تو نباید ماشینت را اینجا پارک کنی
You don't have to park your car here. تو مجبور نیستی ماشینت را اینجا پارک کنی

روش سوالی کردن: مانند سوالی کردن جملات ساده در انگلیسی می باشد:

Do you have to read all these books for the exam?
Does your brother have to come with us?

ترتیب قرارگیری صفات (Order of adjectives)#

استفاده از حداکثر 3 یا 4 صفت برای یک اسم متداول است و ترتیب قرارگیری صفات باید اصولی و منظم باشد.

ترتیب و اولویت قرارگیری صفات:

  1. صفات بیان کننده تعداد یا quantity
some / four / ten / several / a / an / very
  1. صفات بیان کننده ارزش یا value
nice / beautiful / delicious / lovely / silly / powerful / awful / wonderful / enormous / thoughtful / interesting / ugly
  1. صفات بیان کننده اندازه یا size
large / tall / huge / tiny / big / small / heavy
  1. صفات بیان کننده شکل یا shape
square / round
  1. صفات بیان کننده دما و سن یا temperature و age
hot / cold / wet / young / old / new / modern
  1. صفات بیان کننده رنگ یا color
red / purple / green / black / gray
  1. صفات بیان کننده جنس یا material
glass / silver / wooden / coffee / gold
  1. صفات بیان کننده ملیت یا nationality
English / French / Iranian


a lovely old red shirt.
six small round plastic tables.
some delicious hot Italian food
a beautiful long cold day.

زمان آینده کامل (Future perfect tense)#

برای بیان عملی که در زمان مشخصی در آینده، انجام شده خواهد بود و برای اشاره به زمان در این نوع جملات از by استفاده می شود.

ساختار زمان آینده کامل:

شکل سوم فعل + will + have + فاعل

I'll have finished this book by tomorrow. => فردا این کتاب را تمام خواهم کرد
Frank will have learned English before going to London next year.
I'll have told him the news by the time you get here. => تا تو برسی من خبر ها را به او گفته ام
I'll have been here for a year in January. => در ماه ژانویه یک سال است ک من اینجا هستم
I will have left by six.
She will have read the book before next class.

روش منفی کردن:

با اضافه کردن not بعد از will

روش سوالی کردن:

با جابه جایی will و فاعل

Will you have graduated from university by July 19th ?
(آیا تا نوزدهم جولای از دانشگاه فارغ التحصیل شده ای؟)
No, I won't have graduated from university by July 19th.
How long will he have lived in Germany by the next month ?
(او تا ماه بعد چند سال است که در آلمان زندگی کرده است؟)
He'll have lived in Germany for 13 years by the next month.
Will you have finished the report by the deadline ?
Why will she have finished the cleaning by six ?
How long will you have been in this company when you retire ?
Where will he and his family have gone by next month ?

🎉 در زمان آینده کامل، برای تمامی ضمائر فقط از have استفاده می کنیم و مانند زمان حال کامل از have / has استفاده نمی کنیم.

افعال مدال در گذشته (Modal verbs in past tense)#

افعال مدال در زمان حال برای بیان توانایی، امکان و اجازه بکار می رود.

ساختار افعال مدال در زمان گذشته:

شکل سوم فعل + have + فعل مدال + فاعل

should در زمان گذشته#

🎉 برای بیان پشیمانی از انجام کاری

🎉 قضاوت در مورد کار های دیگران

I should have studied medicine. => من باید پزشکی می خواندم
He should have got married earlier.
I should have started saving money years ago!
Sara should have left earlier. She missed her flight.

could در زمان گذشته#

🎉 برای بیان توانایی انجام کاری در گذشته و عدم انجام آن

He could have come to the trip but he didn't.
You could have spoken to her. => تو میتوانستی با او صحبت کنی
I could have bought bread but I didn't know we needed it.
The weather couldn't have been any worse!
I could have gone to college, but I decided not to.

must در زمان گذشته#

🎉 برای بیان نتیجه گیری بر اساس شواهد موجود

Ali is not here. He must have gone to the park. علی اینجا نیست. او حتما به پارک رفته است
They didn't buy the house. The price must not have been acceptable.
What a terrible thing to have happened. You must have been terrified.
Someone who knows English well must have written this.

روش سوالی کردن:

با جابه جایی فاعل و فعل مدال انجام می شود.

Should I have known?
Could he have arrived?
Must they have bought a car?

جمله واره های اسمی (Noun clauses)#

جمله ای که در دل جمله دیگر، نقش اسم می گیرد

I know Ali.
I know where he lives.

روش تبدیل سوالات yes/no question به جمله واره های اسمی:

اگر جمله پرسشی بود

  1. با فعل کمکی do شروع شود:

حذف do و قرار دادن if / whether به جای آن

Do they study English ?
Can you tell me if they study English ?
Can you tell me whether they study English ?
ممکن است به من بگویی که آیا آن ها انگلیسی می خوانند ؟
  1. با فعل کمکی does شروع شود:

حذف does و قرار دادن if / whether به جای آن

باز گرداندن s یا es فعل

Does he work here ?
I don't know if he works here.
I don't know whether he works here.
من نمی دانم که آیا او اینجا کار می کند.
  1. با فعل کمکی did شروع شود:

حذف did و قرار دادن if / whether به جای آن

استفاده از شکل گذشته فعل

Did she watch TV ?
I have no idea if she watched TV.
I have no idea whether she watched TV.
من نمی دانم که آیا او تلویزیون نگاه کرد.
Tom didn't say whether he was planning to go or not.
  1. با فعل to be شروع شود:

اضافه کردن if / whether به ابندای جمله

جابه جا کردن فعل to be و فاعل

Is she a teacher ?
I'm not sure if she is a teacher.
I'm not sure whether she is a teacher.
من مطمئن نیستم که آیا او یک معلم است.

روش تبدیل سوالات wh دار به جمله وار های اسمی:

همانند روش سوالات yes / no question باید عمل کنیم.

نیازی به اضافه کردن if / whether نیست.

Where do you work ?
Can you tell me where you work ? => ممکن است به من بگویی کجا کار می کنی؟
How does she come here ?
I don't know how she comes here. => من نمی دانم او چگونه به اینجا می آید
What did she buy yesterday ?
I have no idea what she bought yesterday. => من نمی دانم او دیروز چه چیزهایی خرید
Where is your house ?
Can you tell me where your house is ? => ممکن است به من بگویی خانه ات کجاست ؟
What are you doing ?
I want to know what they are doing. => من میخواهم بدانم آن ها در حال انجام چه کاری هستند
Where have you been ?
I'm curious where you have been. => من کنجکاوم شما کجا بوده اید
Whose socks are those ?
I don't know whose socks those are.
Tom didn't know the reason why Mary was crying.
Have you told everyone when and where the meeting will be ?
Tom had no idea where Mary had graduated from high school.
My friend doesn't know how well his brother plays football.

🎉 باید حواسمان باشد ک جمله واره ها سوالی نیستند، پس هنگام استفاده باید ب جایگاه فعل و فاعل دقت شود و قسمت دوم جمله را ب صورت سوالی ک اول فعل است ننویسیم.

🎉 در wh دار ها باید در جمله واره ها فعل را در انتها استفاده کرد

حروف اضافه (Prepositions)#

انواع حرف های اضافه پر کاربرد:


به معنای بدونِ

I bought a house without a yard.
He lives without his parents.


به معنای بیرونِ

The restroom is outside of the mosque.


به معنای درونِ

The keys are inside of my packet.
The rumours are coming from inside the company.


به معنای در مقابلِ و برخلافِ

It's against the law.
Are you against internet censorship ?


به معنای از

It's a gift from your mother.
Try to keep from shaking.


به معنای در طولِ و در حینِ

My father was killed during the war.
The teacher said no talking during class.


به معنای برایِ

بیانگر طول مدت دوره

I've een there for 2 years.
Could you mail this letter for me ?


به معنای از

بیانگر آغاز دوره

She has lived here since 2010.
I haven't been on holiday since last July.


به معنای قبل

They went to Tehran 4 years ago.

till / until#

به معنای تا

بیانگر انتها

I work from Saturday till Wednesday.
We played chess until midnight.


به معنای به وسیله یا با

He went to school by bus.
The damage was caused by the storm.


به معنای از طریقهِ یا از میانِ

Learn English through an amazing application.
The burglar got in through the window.


به معنای به سمتِ

Go 5 steps towards the house.
She had her back towards me.

حال کامل استمراری (Present perfect continuous)#

برای بیان کاری که از گذشته شروع شده و تاکنون ادامه دارد.

ساختار زمان حال کامل#

ing + فعل + have / has + been + فاعل

She has been talking on the phone for 3 hours.
They have been living there since 2010.
I have been looking for a job since October. => من از ماه اکتبر تا حالا دنبال کار می گردم

قید های زمان حال کامل استمراری:

قید for => برای بیان طول دوره

قید since => برای بیان ابتدای زمان

روش منفی کردن

با قرار دادن not بعد از have / has

روش سوالی کردن

با جابه جایی فاعل و have / has

I've not been living here for years. => من سال هاست که اینجا زندگی نکرده ام
Has she been waiting here long ?
Have been watching TV since 12 hours ago ?
How long has she been playing ? چه مدت است که او در حال بازی کردن است ؟
Where have you been watching the game ?
What have you been doing since 2 days ago ? => از 2 روز گذشته در حال انجام چه کاری هستی ؟
You look dirty. What have you been doing all day ?
He has been writing his essay all day, but he hasn't finished yet.
How long have you known Ali ?

🎉 بعضی افعال مانند افعالی ک حس را نشان میدهند، حالت استمراری ( با ing ) ندارند. مانند know, angry, etc

🎉 در اکثر جملات حال کامل استمراری، زمان و یا طول دوره مشخص است.

نقل قول 3 (Reported speech 3)#

تغییرات زمان افعال در نقل قول غیرمستقیم:

حال ساده ------> گذشته ساده

حال استمراری ------> گذشته استمراری

حال کامل ------> گذشته کامل

حال کامل استمراری ------> گذشته کامل استمراری

گذشته ساده ------> گذشته کامل

گذشته استمراری ------> گذشته کامل استمراری

گذشته کامل ------> گذشته کامل (بدون تغییر)

ساختار is going to ------> ساختار was going to

🎉 در نقل قول مستقیم برخی ضمائر نیازمند تغییر هستند.

He said, "I love you."
He said that he loved her.
She said, "I'm talking on the phone."
She said that she was talking on the phone.
He told them, "The rain has stopped."
He told them that the rain had stopped.
He said, "I've been reading for 3 hours."
He said that he had been reading for 3 hours.
He told me, "I met him in the theatre."
He told me he had met him in the theatre.
He told the police, "I was driving carefully."
He told the police that he had been driving carefully.
He said, "I'm going to be a dentist."
He said that he was going to be a dentist.

نقل قول 4 (Reported speech 4)#

تغییر افعال مدال در نقل قول غیرمستقیم:

فعل مدال will ------> فعل مدال would

فعل مدال shall ------> فعل مدال should

فعل مدال must ------> فعل مدال had to

فعل مدال can ------> فعل مدال could

فعل مدال may ------> فعل مدال might

تغییرات زمان ها و مکان ها در نقل قول غیرمستقیم

now ------> then

tonight ------> that night

yesterday ------> the day before

tomorrow ------> the following day / the next day

this morning ------> that morning

last week ------> the previous week

next Saturday ------> the following Saturday

here ------> there

this ------> that

these ------> those

ago ------> before / previously

today ------> that day

He told me, "I'll see you tomorrow."
He told me he would see me the next day.
She said, "I saw her today."
She said she had seen her that day.
She said, "I'll see Sara on Sunday."
She said that she would see Sara the following Sunday.
He said, "I met her about three months ago."
He said that he had met her about three months before.
He said, "I must go out to post a letter."
He said that he had to go out to post a letter.
She told me, "I really like this furniture."
She told me that she really liked that furniture.
He said to me, "I can see you tomorrow."
He said to me that he could see me the following day.

نقل قول 5 (Reported speech 5)#

روش ساخت نقل قول در جملات سوالی

در حالت کلی باید تمام تغییرات افعال، ضمائر و قید ها همانند جملات خبری اعمال شود ب اضافه موارد زیر:

در جملات سوالی wh دار#

  1. بازگرداندن جای فاعل و فعل
  2. حذف does، did و do
She asked, "Why didn't you tell me the truth ?"
She asked me why I hadn't told her the truth.
He asked, "What are you writing now ?" => او پرسید: الان در حال نوشتن چه چیزی هستی ؟
He asked me what I was writing then. => او از من پرسید: در آن زمان چه می نویسم
He asked, "When do you want to change this furniture ?"
He asked me when I wanted to change that furniture.
He asked, "When do you want to change this ?"
He asked me when I wanted to change that.
She asked, "Where do you think we should advertise ?"
She asked me where I thought they should advertise.

در جملات سوالی yes/no question#

  1. بازگرداندن جای فاعل و فعل
  2. حذف does، did و do
  3. قرار دادن if یا whether قبل از فاعل
He asked, "Are you angry ?"
He asked me whether I was angry.
He asked, "Have I seen you before ?" => او از من پرسید: آیا من قبلا تو را دیده ام ؟
He asked if he had seen me before. => او از من پرسید: آیا قبلا مرا دیده است؟
She asked, "Did you see this film ?"
She asked me whether I had seen that film.
She asked, "Did you go there yesterday ?"
She asked me if I had gone there the day before.

🎉 در نقل قول جملات سوالی از فعل ask ب جای say و tell استفاده می شود( و ساختار جملات مانند جمله وار های اسمی می باشد. ).

نقل قول 6 (Reported speech 6)#

روش ساخت نقل قول در جملات امری

باید فعل امر را به مصدر با to تبدیل کنیم

همچنین باید از افعال commmand ، order ، tell ، say استفاده کنیم.

He said, "Close the window."
He said to close the window.
She ordered, "Clean my car." => او دستور داد: ماشینم را تمیز کن
She ordered me to clean her car. => او به من دستور داد که ماشینش را تمیز کنم

🎉 در نقل قول جملات امری منفی، قبل از مصدر با to از not استفاده می کنیم.

He told me, "Don't go there."
He told me not to go there.
"Don't put your clothes here," he said. =>او گفت: لباس هایت را اینجا نگذار
He said not to put my clothes there. => او گفت که لباس هایم را اینجا نگذارم

روش ساخت نقل قول در جملات درخواستی و پیشنهادی

استفاده از مصدر با to بجای فعل جمله و کوتاه کردن آن

She asked, "CAn you help me write my speech ?"
She asked me to help her write her speech.
He asked, "Would you please bring me some tea ?" => او درخواست کرد: آیا ممکن است برایم مقداری چای بیاوری ؟
He asked me to bring him some tea. => او از من درخواست کرد که برایش مقداری چای بیاورم
He said, "I'll help you type up that report if you like."
He offered me to help me type up the report.
"Please help me carry this," she asked.
She asked me to help her carry that.
She asked, "Could you please open the window ?"
She asked me to open the window.
She asked, "Would you mind lending me a pencil ?"
She asked me to lend her a pencil.
"I was wondering if you could possibly tell me the time ?" she asked.
She asked me to tell her the time.

صحبت در مورد عادات گذشته (Past habits)#

از used to و would برای صحبت در مورد عادت گذشته استفاده می شود.

When we were children, my brother and I used to fight all the time.
When we were children, my brother and I would fight all the time.

🎉 اصولا بعد از used to فعل به صورت شکل ساده می آید.

🎉 هنگام استفاده از would، ارجاع به زمان گذشته ضروری است.

Before I got this job, I used to go out a lot. ✔
Before I got this job, I would go out a lot. ✔
I used to go out a lot. ✔
I would go out a lot. ✖

اما برای used to می توان بدون ارجاع ب زمان گذشته هم آن را نوشت.

انواع فعل در زبان انگلیسی#

  1. افعال کنشی

بیان کننده عمل یا کار هستند.

eat / walk / learn / sleep
  1. افعال حالتی

بیان کننده حالت هستند.

love / hate / know / live

🎉 هنگام استفاده از would، فقط از افعال کنشی می توانیم استفاده کنیم.

She used to have a long hair.
She would have a long hair. ✖
My dad would always read to me before bed.
When they came to London, they would never travel anywhere on the tube.

اما از used to می توان برای هر 2 نوع فعل استفاده کرد.

🎉 هنگام استفاده از did، حرف d فعل used to حذف می شود.

I didn't use to work there.
He didn't use to play soccer.
Did you use to smoke ?
Did he use to sleep late ?
He's not the same man he used to be.
Tom certainly doesn't have the money he used to.
Tom doesn't have a pet now, but he used to have a dog.

ضمائر موصولی who, which, that (Relative pronouns)#

ضمیر موصولی

  1. یک جمله وصفی را به اسم قبل از خودش وصل می کند.
  2. دو جمله را تبدیل به یک جمله می کند.

ضمیر موصولی who#

برای توصیف انسان به کار می رود.

The man works here. He is my father.
The man who works here is my father.
The teacher teaches Math. He lives downtown. => آن معلم ریاضی درس می دهد. او در مرکز شهر زندگی می کند
The teacher who teaches Math lives downtown. => معلمی که ریاضی درس می دهد در مرکز شهر زندگی می کند

ضمیر موصولی which#

برای توصیف اشیا به کار می رود.

This is the book. It is very useful for me.
This is the book which is very useful for me.
I bought a car. It was broken. => من یک ماشین خریدم. آن خراب بود
The car which I bought was broken. => ماشینی که من خریدم خراب بود
The meal was delicious. Sara cooked it.
The meal which Sara cooked was delicious.
This is the lion. It has been ill recently.
This is the lion which has been ill recently.

ضمیر موصولی that#

برای توصیف انسان و اشیا به کار می رود.

The boy is from Iran. You saw him yesterday.
The boy that you saw yesterday is from Iran.
The book is mine. It is on the table.
The book that is on the table is mine.
We threw out the computer. It never worked properly.
We threw out the computer that never worked properly.
The man was badly injured. He was driving the car.
The man that was badly injured was driving the car.

🎉 باید حواسمان باشد ک بعد از ضمائر موصولی، نباید ضمیر اسمی ک در جمله اصلی است را دوباره بیاوریم، یعنی بعد از ضمائر موصولی، فعل قرار می گیرد و خود آن ضمائر موصولی کار ضمیر اصلی را انجام می دهند.

حروف ربط ( Conjunctions) 2#

حروف ربط دوتایی

  1. شامل 2 حرف ربط هستند.
  2. در یک جمله در جای متفاوت قرار می گیرند.

حروف ربط either و or#

I want either cheesecake or the chocolate cake.
من یا کیک پنیر یا کیک شکلاتی می خواهم
Either you go there, or I will take you there.
یا خودت به آنجا می روی یا من تورا به آنجا خواهم برد

🎉 از شکل " یا این یا اون " استفاده می کند.

حروف ربط both و and#

We'll have both the cheesecake and the chocolate cake.
ما هم کیک پنیر و هم کیک شکلاتی می خوریم
She has got both the pc and the laptop.
او هم کامپیوتر رومیزی و هم لپتاپ دارد

🎉 از شکل " هم این هم اون " استفاده می کند.

حروف ربط whether و or#

I didn't know whether you'd want the cheesecake or the chocolate cake, so I got both.
من نمی دانستم که تو کیک پنیر یا کیک شکلاتی می خواهی، در نتیجه هر 2 را گرفتم.
Whether they let us in or they don't, we should go inside.
چه آن ها اجازه بدهند داخل بشویم و چه اجازه ندهند ما باید داخل شویم

🎉 از شکل " چه این چه اون " استفاده می کند.

حروف ربط neither و nor#

You want neither the cheesecake nor the chocolate cake ?
تو نه کیک پنیر می خواهی و نه کیک شکلاتی ؟
She speaks neither French nor German.
او نه فرانسوی و نه آلمانی صحبت نمی کند

🎉 از شکل " نه این نه اون " استفاده می کند.

🎉 اگر فعل کمکی منفی در جمله باشد از ساختار eitherو or استفاده می کنیم و دقیقا همین معنی را می دهد.

حروف ربط not only و but also#

I'll eat them both - not only the cheesecake but also the chocolate cake.
من هر دوی آن ها را خواهم خورد. نه تنها کیک پنیر بلکه کیک شکلاتی هم خواهم خورد.
Not only they taught good courses but also their prices were reasonable.
آن ها نه تنها دوره های خوبی تدریس می کردند بلکه قیمت شان هم معقول بود

🎉 از شکل " نه تنها این بلکه اون هم " استفاده می کند.

گذشته کامل استمراری (Past perfect continuous)#